Wednesday, July 29, 2009
2009 Preaching Schedule for Lott UMC
Taskforce Team Worship Leader Kathy Kothmann has worked up a
schedule for the rest of the year at Lott UMC. If you can fill in on any of the
dates labeled CLM please give Kathy a call and she'll get you scheduled.
Thanks for your help!
9 - Pastor Roberman - Communion Sunday
16 - Eric Dehmer - Canvassing Sun Aft
23 - Pastor Roberman
30 - Pastor Roberman
6 - CLM
13 - Pastor Roberman - Communion Sunday
20 - Pat Baker - music: Bobbi Chapman
27 - Pastor Roberman
4 - CLM
11 - Pastor Roberman - Communion Sunday
18 - Charlie Ray
25 - Pastor Roberman
1 - CLM
8 - Pastor Roberman
15 - CLM
22 - Pastor Roberman
29 - CLM
6 - CLM
13 - Pastor Roberman
20 - CLM
27 - Pastor Roberman
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Building Facility Project Survey - Lott UMC
Project List Preliminary Survey - July 13, 2009
Access to Restroom - possibly raise floors / fixtures
Paint Exterior -scrape, prime, and paint recommended
Sanctuary Pews - ? padding, ?refinishing, ? minor repairs
Roll-Up doors - presently not functional. Could be used to open up area to fellowship room
Disability accommodations - ramp on entrance, ? elevator for upstairs access
Modernization - need to have a second entrance / exit for fire code. Electrical upgrading to code.
Exterior of Church - base needs "resealing" - presently with some holes / openings
Front porch - possible handicap ramp; if so, would need to raise awning, possibly extend
Window washing throughout church
Finish Ceiling
? shelves in kitchen storage area
New Front doors
?Shelf for microwave in kitchen, ? combined with vent hood
Hang Venetian blinds in sink area
Improve sound system
Upstairs - consider finishing out as 1-2 rooms. Check electrical wiring. consider add-on
Consider sprinkler system to keep grass green.
Consider refinishing sanctuary floor and pews.
Consider adding color elements in sanctuary to "enliven"
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 11, 2009 Lott Revitalization Team Meeting
July 11, 2009 9:00 a.m. Caldwell UMC
Team members in attendance: Pat Baker, Eric Dehmer, Judy Draper, Kathy Kothmann, Rev. Larry Roberman, Rev. Thomas Robbins, Betty Willi, Jack and Liz Williams,and Sandi Dehaven (a new member who attended from Cedar Springs UMC and requested to be added to the team). Absent Team members: Calvin Woods
Following wonderful morning snacks provided by Pat Baker and the Caldwell Church, Eric Dehmer, chairperson, called the meeting to order with a devotional reminding us that we are called to be faithful to the task and God will provide the fruit. Eric then called on members of the team to share thoughts about why they responded yes when asked to serve on this team. Eric showed the team the Lott Church Blogg and how to access it and encouraged members to use it as a valuable tool to communicate.
Rev. Thomas Robbins presented an idea for the Mooreville Church (Rev. Joel Robbins pastor) and the Marlin church to meet at the Lott church on the first Sunday evenings of each month and provide a joint worship experience in hope it might encourage people from the Lott community, especially those who have relatives in Mooreville Church, to attend and get involved in the revitalization experience. After much discussion, it was agreed that evening services will start on Sept 13th –the first Sunday evening following Labor Day.
Pat Baker presented a wonderful idea concerning a Lott Community Prayer Walk to be held on a Saturday afternoon to take prayer requests from the community as a way to introduce the revitalization effort to the community. These events have been very successful in Caldwell. After much discussion, it was decided to hold the prayer walk, Saturday afternoon August 29th.
Additional discussion concerning a canvas of the Lott community for the purpose of announcing and inviting people to come and participate in the worship services and other renewal activities was presented. Rev. Robbins said his son Joel, pastor of the Mooreville Church could help us with detailed plans for this event since he has used canvassing of the Morreville community with much success. August 16th was the date selected for the community canvas.
Rev. Robbins said he would work with the editor of the Marlin and Rose Bud Weekly paper to design and publish a large ad announcing the revitalization efforts starting the week prior to August 16th so that the people of the Lott Community will have had some information about our work inthe community before the canvas Sunday afternoon the 16th.
The following is the timeline through Sept. for our revitalization activities:
Mon. July 13th 12:30 Rev. Roberman, Betty Willi, Wayne Wolz and Ray Macune from Caldwell Church meeting at Lott church to survey renovations to the facility and prioritize the needs.
Sat. August 1 9:30 Team Meeting at Lott Church
Sun. August 9—Rev. Roberman preaching service
Aug. 12 th and following few weeks—Ad in Marlin and Rose Bud Weekly Papers
Sun. August 16th –CLM (TBA) leading worship—followed by Community Canvas in the afternoon
Sun. Aug. 23—Rev. Roberman preaching with special music TBA
Sat. Aug. 29—Prayer walk
Sun. Aug. 30—Rev. Roberman Preaching with special music TBA
Sun. Sept. 6—(Labor Day Weekend) CLM Preaching and special music TBA
Sun. Sept 13–Rev. Roberman preaching with special music TBA and Kick-off of joint Evening Worship
Service by Mooreville and Marlin Churches.
Sun. Sept 20—CLM preaching with special music TBA
Sun. Sept 27—Rev. Roberman Preaching with special music TBA
Other Details:
Task Force will be calling upon District Churches for Special Music
Want to add a task force member from the Cameron church since it is so close to Lott. Judy Draper will consult with Joe Fort for a nomination for this position.
Rev. Robbins will contact the Traveling Methodist Work Team from Tyler to see what renovations they might be willing to help us with. The other tasks will be covered by other church groups such as Wesley Foundation, A&M College Ministry, Caldwell Methodist Men and Faith & Deeds Sunday School Class at Christ Church. Plans were made to rent water slide or attractive play equipment for the kids of the community to play on during the times that groups are working at the church. It was suggested that watermelon, ice cream, or hotdogs and chips –etc. be served to those who drop by the church to help or to inquire. We want to present a very inviting image.
Eventual child care was discussed including: Safe Sanctuary, facility safety, staffing and instructional materials. This will need to be worked out as the need arises. It was agreed that this task may be the most difficult of all.
The following people volunteered for the following leadership roles:
Out-reach coordinator ---Pat Baker
Worship coordinator---Kathy Kothmann
Children/youth coordinator—TBS
Adult ministry coordinator –Rev. Judy Draper
Physical Plant repair, landscaping coordinator—Rev. Thomas Robbins
Next meeting of the Task Force will be Saturday, August 1 at 9:30 at the Lott Church.
It is certainly understood that this is a work in progress and that after much prayer for guidance and wisdom, other ideas will come forth to serve the needs of the church as this effort progresses.
Judy Draper, recording secretary---corrections:
Friday, July 10, 2009
May 31st Lott Re-vitalization Meeting
Lott Re-vitalization Meeting
District Office
Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:00 P.M.
Those in attendance: D.S. Rev. Joe Fort; Rev. Larry Roberman, Pastor; Rev. Judy Draper, CLM District Chairperson; Ruth Martin, Kathy Kothmann, Charlie Ray and Judy Hedderman all certified lay ministers; Eric Dehmer, Ronald Perry and Pat Baker, all candidates for certified lay-ministry.
Rev. Joe Fort called the meeting to order with prayer and an overview of his vision for the Lott Church Re-vitalization Project. He summarized by stating that he sees this project as a group effort of at least one year duration with the following time line: Summer 2009 mapping out plans, late August—early September restart worship every Sunday using lay ministers when Rev. Roberman cannot be present. Following 6 months developing a core group of families from the community and the last 6 months of the year, solidifying programming and concentrating on leadership training for the membership.
Rev. Fort sees the project starting with several key leaders from within the CLM’s; out-reach coordinator, worship coordinator, children/youth coordinator and adult ministry coordinator. In addition there will need to be a coordinator for the painting and landscaping of the Lott Church. Rev. Thomas Robbins from the Marlin church has expressed an interest in the Marlin church playing an active part in this project by providing help and leadership. It was also suggested that the Wesley Foundation at A&M be contacted about possible painting and landscaping work. We also discussed visiting with a few members of the Marlin and Cedar Springs church to get names of possible interested people to be invited to join the revitalization team early on in the planning that will take place this summer.
Ideas discussed for kicking off the project included: late summer Bible School for the community, work day with community involvement to paint and landscape the church, bulk mailing and possible door-to-door visitation to invite the community to join the revitalization project in any way they may like to participate with anticipation that some will join the church and become a part of the core leadership of the Lott church.
Rev. Fort emphasize the need for leadership development for the 2nd 6 months of the project so that a hand-off goal for turning the church over to local leadership could occur between 12 and 18 months following the kick-off early this fall.
Rev. Fort said that the District could come up with limited funds for revitalization but that funds would be limited.
Several CLMs and Candidates expressed an interest in getting on board with the planning process. As a result, the group present decided that all who are able will meet at the Lott church by 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 14th to get a tour of the church and visit with members concerning their vision for the project. Those who are able are invited to 9:30 worship followed by the monthly church business meeting and a covered dish dinner.
Rev. Fort will contact Rev. Thomas Robbins and ask him to invite interested people from the Marlin church to join our group on June 14th and Rev. Larry Roberman will visit with the members of the Lott church about the formation of the revitalization group and our visit on June 14th.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. with prayer by Rev. Roberman.
Rev. Judy Draper, recording secretary
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Texas Methodist History Blog Site
Hardt is one of my favorites. A good number of us belong to historic churches
steeped with a rich heritage, so you may occasionally find out something quite
interesting that occurred where you worship years before you were born. I
encourage you to check it out at: