Monday, January 25, 2010

Outreach Ministry in Caldwell

First United Methodist Church, Caldwell is putting their faith into action and reaching out to their community in an exciting and radical way by providing a contemporary evening service in a downtown bar. Pastor Todd Jordan contacted the owner of "Dickie Doos" dancehall and bar one block South of the courthouse square and asked if he could "rent" the facility on the second Sunday night of each month for $0. To the surprise and amazement of all the owner agreed.

Since then the church's "Might to Praise Band" has been providing motivating praise and worship music and Pastor Todd gives a contemporary and inspiring message at each service. Davis Mallard, a certified lay speaker at St. John's U.M.C., Rockdale, was on hand to share his moving testimony at the service on January 10th. This ministry is well supported by the whole church and entire families were present worshipping and praising together.

Please plan to attend this powerful, vital ministry on each second Sunday at 7:00 PM, Dickie Doos, 218 S. Echols, Caldwell, Texas. You'll be glad that you made the trip, I guaranty it -
