Monday, June 8, 2009

Rethinking The Church For the 21st Century

Yesterday, while dining with a couple of my favorite pastors one of them suggested a blogsite featuring the observations of consultant Dan R. Dick regarding what's ailing the U.M.C. as well as direction for the acheiving wholeness for the future. As result I checked it out and would like to recommend it to all of you as well. The site is called United Methodeviations and if you're interested you can click on the link below:


Eric said...

I received e-mail responses from a couple of group members shortly after this was posted this morning. One said:

"This is a great web-site."

And the other:

"I have another suggestion, written by a Methodist pastor. It is called Ezekiel's Bones, by Bill Kemp. The subject is rekindling your congregations spiritual passion, which most of our churches are missing".

The identity of these members have been omitted as they did not comment on the blogsite.

Eric said...

“Every church has two kinds of members: the pillars of the church, who hold it up, and the caterpillars, who just crawl in and out.”

— old Methodist saying, origin unknown